About Us
Museum Bees challenge the notion that luxury must be expensive. We believe that a different approach was necessary to create beautiful and affordable indulgences for your home. We create each piece with recycled materials that embrace our history. They are user friendly, beautifully designed and easy to use. All are original works of art made in Louisville KY and are priced the same: $65. We keep a constantly revolving collection on our website and with our participating retailers.
Museum Bees range in size from 1" to 7" and the great majority of which are all made from recycled antique picture frames. The majority of these American frames date from 1860 - 1880. We also use that charred inner portion of bourbon barrels staves. Besides the wonderful aroma, they add a great background to build our creations.
The frames integrate gilded ornaments such as horses, dogs, insects, ceramics, curiosities, and Antique objects into the compostitions. Big or small, Museum Bees are $65 each. Shipping is free on all purchases and we are happy to exchange any of our Museum Bees for another, if you change your mind.
Museum Bee creator, Trace Mayer, signs every Museum Bee and it with the initials of the current Kentucky Derby winner. This year is "A" for Authentic. In Kentucky and for our Bees, the year begins on the first Saturday in May.
Derby Bee Key:
"AP" = American Pharaoh, 2015-2016
"N"= Nyquist, 2016-2017
''AD''= Always Dreaming 2017- 2018
"J"= Justify 2018-19
"C"= Country House 2019-2020
"A"= Authentic 2020-2021
"M"= Medina Spirit until Mandaloun declared winner after MS disqualification February 22nd 2021-2022
"R"= Rich Strike 2022-2023
"Ma"= Mage 2023-2024
”MD”= Mystic Dan 2024-2025